WCI Forum 2022
Nelson Africa's Authorized Representative Certificate.
World's Cooperation Industries Forum Business Summit
We at Nelson Africa, the leading innovative and gap-bridging company, finally have made history to be the first and authorized representative of the WCI Forum in Nigeria, as well as an authorized representative of the WCI Forum in other African countries. We have worked to make sure that African countries and industries liaise with the Turkish counterpart as this would bind companies directly to manufacturers, enhance infrastructural changes, political influence on quality products, improve balance in the African society imports at cheap rates with easy shipments. The forum will create an avenue for businesses to meet investors (B2B) that are interested to invest in our countries in areas included but not limited to agriculture, textile, construction, automotive, mining, technology and general trade.
Prospective delegates wishing to attend the WCI Forum 2022 program on 16-17th March, 2022, should contact us for price categories and packages available in order to apply through our company’s authorized licensed certificate from any African country.
We look forward to seeing you soon in Ankara, Turkey.